ARTFUL is off to a great start!
Your donations help us grow.
Without your steady, consistent donations we are nothing.
Programs like ours only exist with the help and kindness of those in our community. The Heights is home to the largest concentration of people who consider themselves to be working artists, yet there are very few affordable rentals in which they can establish studio space. The ARTFUL studios rent at below-market costs, and are located right in the heart of the arts and entertainment district in Cleveland Heights. We're excited to call the Coventry P.E.A.C.E. Campus our home!
Your donation will help develop and launch our first classes, workshops and seminars, as well as hire the appropriate staff to support our programming.
We are happy to be able to offer several donation options.
If you would like to make a larger donation, but would like to spread your payments out over several installments, please consider choosing a monthly, quarterly, or yearly recurring donation.
If you would prefer to make a donation by check, please see instructions below.